How cities manage mobility dictates quality of life and access to opportunity for billions of urban residents, but our transport systems have long prioritized moving vehicles, specifically cars, over moving people. Today, ongoing changes to transport technology, operational systems, and ownership and business models are transforming the urban mobility space. It is crucial that these changes are leveraged not to further prioritize private vehicles, but to help build livable, sustainable, just and joyful cities for people.

The 10 Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities, produced by a consortium of international transport experts from seven organizations, are designed to provide common ground and guide urban decision-makers and stakeholders toward the best outcomes for all in these ongoing changes to the urban mobility landscape, so that we work toward cities that put people first.

The consortium, led by Zipcar Co-Founder Robin Chase, includes the C40 Climate Leadership Group, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport, Rocky Mountain Institute, and Shared-Use Mobility Center, along with WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.


The Principles:

  1. We plan our cities and their mobility together.
  2. We prioritize people over vehicles.
  3. We support the shared and efficient use of vehicles, lanes, curbs and land.
  4. We engage with stakeholders.
  5. We promote equity.
  6. We lead the transition towards a zero-emission future and renewable energy.
  7. We support fair user fees across all modes.
  8. We aim for public benefits via open data.
  9. We work towards integration and seamless connectivity.
  10. We support that autonomous vehicles in dense urban areas should be operated only in shared fleets.

Since launching, the Shared Mobility Principles have provided a foundation for Leveraging Urban Mobility Disruptions to Create Better Cities, an edX course developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NUMO, and inspired the creation of MoMobility, an urban transformation card game.

For more information about the principles, consortium, and how to participate, visit