Monday Nov 1


Navigating the Transition to Zero Carbon Buildings

Over one third of the world’s carbon emissions are generated by the buildings sector. As such, the buildings and construction sector must urgently be decarbonized to meet Paris Agreement goals. The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction and World Resources Institute will host a joint event to announce the Buildings as a Critical Climate Solution commitment and showcase countries developing roadmaps to implement these ambitious goals. Ministers and mayors from Colombia and Turkey, the first countries to join the Zero Carbon Building Accelerator – a WRI initiative aligning national roadmaps and local action plans, will highlight opportunities and challenges, and officials from Cambodia and Vietnam will discuss their framework and approach to reducing emissions from the built environment as a part of GlobalABC’s Roadmaps for Buildings and Construction in Asia.

Time: November 1, 16:00 – 17:30 GMT

Location: Buildings Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): WRI, UNEP, Global ABC


  • Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy, WRI
  • Martina Otto, GlobalABC
  • Others TBC

WRI Contact: Kayla Rakes


Land and Carbon Lab Launch

Time: November 1, 17:00-18:30 GMT

Location: Nature Pavilion

Organizer(s):  WRI, Initiative 20x20


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI

WRI Contact: Christopher Ede-Calton

Watch event recording



Tuesday Nov 2


Parched Power: Assessing Physical Climate Risks for Power Generation Project Portfolios

Physical climate hazards — like water temperature and water stress — can cause substantial disruptions to power production now and in the future. The demand for information on the implications of physical climate risk is increasing, driven by burgeoning environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds and investor scrutiny of material climate risks, particularly in the power generation sector. However, quantifying physical climate risks in loan and equity portfolios of power generation assets in a cost-effective way remains challenging.

In this event on the Finance Day of COP26, we will introduce a cost-effective yet comprehensive framework for assessing physical climate risks for power generation project portfolios, co-developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Additionally, we will share a pilot study where we apply the framework over EBRD’s current power generation portfolio, and demonstrate how investors can leverage portfolio-level physical climate risk assessment to inform their financial and investment decision-making and shift towards a climate resilient future.

Time: November 2, 10:00- 10:30 GMT


  • Tianyi Luo, Director of Aqueduct, Water Program, WRI
  • James Falzon, Principal, EBRD
  • Kathleen Dominique, Programme Lead, OECD

WRI Contact: Marlena Chertock


How Cities are Inspiring Nations, Companies, and Financiers to Embrace Forest Action

This event will showcase how city leadership on forest conservation is inspiring nations, states, companies, and financial institutions to invest in nature for climate, biodiversity, and human prosperity and well-being. The event will showcase the Cities4Forests “Call to Action on Forests and Climate,” which has been signed by 50 mayors from around the world to advocate for greater forest action.  We will showcase leading global actors who will respond to the Call to Action by increasing their commitments to forest action for climate mitigation and adaptation, pledging to work with cities on forest issues; and sharing the most impactful forest-related plans, policies, and investments.  The event will also feature Mayors showcasing creative city leadership on forest issues.

Time: November 2, 11:00 – 12:30 GMT

Location: Nature Zone + Online

Organizer(s): WRI, Cities4Forests


  • Craig HansonVice President for Food, Forest, Water & the Ocean, WRI
  • Raymond Johansen, Governing Mayor, Oslo, Norway
  • Mario Ramón Silva Rodríguez, Director General, Metropolitan Institute of Planning, Guadalajara Metropolitan Area
  • Camila Zepeda, Director General for Global Affairs, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Stephen O’Driscoll, Head of Environment, Climate and Social Policy, European Investment Bank
  • Juergen Voegele, Vice President for Sustainable Development, World Bank
  • Benigno Lopez, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Inter-American Development Bank

WRI Contact: James Anderson

Watch event recording


Public Policies and Private Investment for Conservation and Landscape Restoration in Latin America

This is a free-flowing discussion between ministers and CEOs of impact investment firms on aligning public policies with private investment to promote the conservation and restoration of land in Latin American and the Caribbean. The discussion will center on overcoming the barriers that prevent a faster allocation of environmentally inclined capital flows into land conservation and restoration. This event is organized by Initiative 20x20, an alliance of 18 countries launched at COP 20 that aims to protect and restore 50 million hectares of the region’s ecosystems.

Time: November 2, 13:00GMT

Location: European Investment Bank Pavilion-Blue Zone + Online

Organizer(s): WRI as the Secretariat of Initiative 20x20


  • Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment of Chile
  • Carolina Suárez, CEO of LATIMPACTO
  • Edward Rumsey, Managing Partner of Permian Global
  • Hervé Bourguignon, Senior Venture Partner of Moringa Fund

WRI Contact: Walter Vergara


A New Phase for AFR100: Accelerating Africa’s Locally Led Land Restoration Movement

Since COP21, 31 African countries have committed to restore 128 million hectares of degraded land through AFR100. Their goal? Improve food security, spur rural prosperity, and address climate change while adapting to its impacts. Thousands of community-based organizations and entrepreneurs are ready, but they need serious and nimble finance. Join Wanjira Mathai from World Resources Institute and high-level guests for a look at the second phase of AFR100 and Africa's top locally led restoration projects.

Time: November 2, 13:00 – 14:30 GMT

Location: Nature Zone + Online

Organizer(s): WRI with partners


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI
  • Wanjira Mathai, Vice President and Regional Director for Africa, WRI

WRI Contact: Sean DeWitt

Watch event recording


Zero Emissions Solutions Conference: 2C. Climate Finance: Making Good on the Rhetoric

The Zero Emissions Solutions Conference (ZESC) is a direct follow-up to key commitments in the Paris Agreement. In the Paris Agreement, every country is responsible for producing a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period to 2030 as well as a Low-Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) to 2050 (Article 4, paragraph 19).

Following several successful iterations of the ZESC predecessor, the Low-Emission Solutions Conference, at COP22, COP23, COP24, and COP25, the Conference continues into its fifth year as a virtual event alongside COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland with the aim of bringing together different sectors and stakeholders to maximize international commitments to climate action in the wake of the Paris Agreement and aid in implementation.

Time: November 2,16:00 - 17:30 GMT

Location: Online

Organizer(s): UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Emory University, Monash University, University College London (UCL), University of Strathclyde


  • Pankaj Bhatia, Deputy Director, Climate; Global Director, GHG Protocol

WRI contact: Stacy Hong


Adaptation Action Coalition COP26 Event

This hybrid online/in-person event brought adaptation leaders across the globe together to catalyze adaptation action during the World Leader’s Summit. This high-level session allowed leaders to discuss what is needed to advance adaptation progress and provided AAC member countries an opportunity to reaffirm their commitments to adaptation action across various sectors. The event consisted of a high-level panel session focused on taking a whole-of-society approach to adaptation action, followed by a Ministerial session where Ministers reaffirmed their commitments to adaptation action in partnership with the AAC.

Time: November 2, 17:30 – 18:30 GMT

Location: Resilience Hub + Online

Organizer(s): WRI


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, World Resources Institute
  • Anne-Marie Trevelyan, Secretary of State for International Trade and UK International Champion on Adaptation and Resilience for the COP26 Presidency, UK
  • Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator
  • Hala El-Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Francesco Rocca, President of International Federal of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
  • Frances Way, Executive Director, COP-26 Climate Champions Team
  • Alexandria Villaseñor, Youth Climate Activist and Founder of Earth Uprising
  • Ramsahay Prasad Yadav, Minister of Forests and Environment, Nepal
  • Shamiso Najira, Deputy Director for Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, Malawi
  • Shoda Yutaka, Vice Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Government of Japan
  • Ambassador Henk Ovink, Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, the Netherlands
  • Christina Chan, Senior Adaptation Advisor to John Kerry - Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, United States
  • Ambassador Ayman Tharwat, Deputy Director, Environment and Sustainable Development Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Vijay Rangarajan, Director General, Americas and Overseas Territories, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), UK

WRI Contact: Catherine Beal

Watch event recording



Wednesday Nov 3


Our Obsession With Technology Will Slow Down the Green Transition

More information and tickets can be found on the NY Times Climate Hub Website.

Time: November 3, 14:00 – 14:50 GMT

Location: New York Times Climate Hub SWG3 Glasgow + Online

Organizer(s): New York Times Climate Hub


  • Ulka Kelkar, Director of Climate, WRI India

WRI Contact: Ulka Kelkar

Watch event recording



Thursday Nov 4


Climate, Clean Air and Health: An Integrated Approach

To find enduring solutions for air pollution, public health and climate change, we need to define the problem and the solution in ways that engage allies beyond the traditional environmentally focused regulators and agencies. We need to build awareness of the health and development gains that cleaner air can deliver, as well as a shared understanding of pollution sources and solutions. The “end of tailpipe, top of smokestack” approach will not be enough to stem the tide of emissions that is warming the atmosphere and causing a global public health crisis - we also need a forward-looking approach that builds clean air into public investment, urban planning, infrastructure and service finance. This discussion will focus on the synergies between climate, health and air quality action; and highlight the need for an integrated approach across sectors, government and society.

Time: November 4, 09:30 – 10:30 GMT

Location: NDC Partnership Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): WRI, NDC Partnership


  • Stientje van Veldhoven, Vice President and Regional Director for Europe, WRI
  • Gillian Caldwell, Climate Change Coordinator, USAID
  • Elena Villalobos Prats, Technical Officer, WHO
  • Asep Kuswanto, Head, DLH Jakarta Environment Agency

WRI Contact: Beth Elliot


The Role of Energy Efficient Buildings on the Path to Net-Zero: Strategies for policy makers

Leading up to COP26, countries globally are committing to new, ambitious targets to reach net-zero by 2050. Buildings play a critical role in transitioning to a net-zero future, as they are responsible for about 40% of the global energy consumption and one-third of global GHG emissions. Transforming the built environment is critical to tackling the climate targets.

This event will present opportunities from the next generation of energy efficiency in the built environment to accelerate progress toward net-zero goals. Speakers will present examples from the private and public sectors on innovative programs that reduce the costs of mitigating emissions in the built environment while advancing social development, enhancing energy security and quality of life, and creating jobs.

Time: November 4, 13:30- 14:45GMT

Location: GEF Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): GEF


  • Jennifer Layke, Global Director Energy Program, WRI
  • Brian Motherway, Head of Energy Efficiency, IEA
  • Carolina Urrutia, Secretary of the Environment, Bogotá
  • H.E. Jorge Rivera, Energy Secretary, Panama
  • Vincent Petit, Senior Vice-President, Global Strategy Prospective, Schneider Electric
  • Melanie Slade, Senior Programme Manager, IEA
  • Sayda Rodríguez, Head of the Ministry of Sustainable Development of the State of Yucatán, Mexico
  • Filippo Berardi, Lead Climate Change Focal Area, GEF (Moderator)

WRI Contact: Kayla Rakes


Building Resilience in the Age of Water Stress

Addressing water stress is critical for building a resilient future. This event will explore the science, risk analytics, resilience opportunities, and government approaches to water stress management. Join Moody's ESG specialists, credit rating analysts and leading experts for a discussion on opportunities for building resilience and managing water stress risk globally. Key discussion points include: How can the latest science and technology help build resilience to water stress; How are cities managing water stress and adapting to an uncertain future; and How does water stress affect credit ratings for regional and local governments?

Time: November 4, 14:00-15:30 GMT

Location: Online

Organizer(s): Moody's


  • Tianyi Luo, Director of Aqueduct, Water Program, WRI
  • Rahul Ghosh, Managing Director – ESG Outreach & Research, Moody’s ESG Solutions
  • Natalie Ambrosio Preudhomme, Director, Moody’s ESG Solutions
  • Robert Bartop, Chief Risk Officer, SOURCE Global, PBC
  • Michael Wertz, Vice President - Senior Analyst, Public Finance Group, Moody's Investors Service
  • Katano Kasaine, Assistant General Manager / Chief Financial Officer, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
  • Michael Webster, Executive Director, Water and Waste, City of Cape Town
  • Snigdha Garg, Head of Adaptation Research & Performance, C40 Cities
  • Zoe Jankel, Vice President - Senior Analyst, Sub-Sovereign Group, Moody's Investors Service

WRI Contact: Marlena Chertock


The Role of Private Equity and Finance in Advancing Building Decarbonization

This virtual panel discussion will explore strategies for private equity firms and financial institutions to accelerate decarbonization and improve resilience across their building portfolios. Leaders from global private equity firms, international financial institutions and non-governmental organizations will discuss investment barriers and opportunities, and consider the role of government policy and new business models to encourage private climate-oriented investment. Panelists will share insights into how private equity and banks can leverage sustainable financial instruments and new business models to improve both financial and environmental performance in support of net-zero climate goals. The session will include panelists from NREP, World Resources Institute, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The Carlyle Group, Normative, and Sustainable Energy for All.

Time: November 4, 15:00 – 16:00 GMT

Location: ICC Make Climate Action Everyone's Business Forum + Online

Organizer(s): WRI, NREP


  • Clay Nesler, Global Lead, Buildings, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Mikkel Bulow, NREP
  • Lin O’Grady, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Kristian Ronn, CEO and Co-founder, Normative
  • J.B. Oldenburg, Carlyle Group
  • Brian Dean, SEforAll
  • Moderator: Julia Panzer, UN Climate Action Group

WRI Contact: Kayla Rakes


Aligning Finance with the Paris Agreement and Unlocking $100 Billion

To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, financial flows need to help drive decarbonization and climate resilience. We explore the challenges and opportunities of aligning development finance with climate objectives, the critical role of export credit agencies and development banks, the post-2025 climate finance target, and the potential of national policy in unlocking international finance.

Time: November 4, 16:00 – 17:00 GMT

Location: EU Pavilion (virtual only)

Organizer(s): WRI, The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Perspectives Climate Group, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute


  • Carolyn Neunuebel, Research Analyst, Finance Center, WRI

WRI Contact: Carolyn Neunuebel, Valerie Laxton


Step-by-Step: Priorities for the Transition to Net Zero

Thinkers from various academic disciplines contextualize the climate debate within a history of climate events, behavioral change and ideas, presenting a more provocative, radical lens through which to consider the COP26 climate agendas. This deep-dive introduction will be followed by a more practical and strategic discussion around immediate priorities. How do we decide which climate solutions to prioritize now, while ensuring that they are accessible to a maximum number of people? How do we instigate urgent, systemwide change without leaving large sectors of our populations behind? More information and tickets can be found on the Times Climate Hub Website.

Time: November 4, 16:00 – 16:50 GMT

Location: The Forum + Online

Organizer(s):  New York Times Climate Hub


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI

WRI Contact: Corey Park

Watch event recording


Economics of Energy Innovation and System Transition

The Economics of Energy Innovation & System Transition (EEIST) research consortium brings together experts in China, Brazil, India, the UK and EU to develop innovative systems modelling approaches to live policy decisions. At our event at COP26, world leading experts in complexity economics, systems thinking, and energy policy will launch the EEIST flagship report: The New Economics of Innovation and Transition.

Time: November 4, 19:30 GMT

Location: UK Pavilion

Organizer(s): University of Exeter


  • Chirag Gajjar, Head Subnational Climate Action, WRI India

WRI Contact: Ulka Kelkar



Friday Nov 5


Nature Based Solutions for Climate Action in Latin America

An open discussion between ministers and CEOs of impact investment firms on the strategies, opportunities and challenges on using Nature Based Solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation in Latin America.The discussion will center on current strategies in the region that highlight the role of land based actions in mitigation and adaptation. Examples of activities, their cost effectiveness and co-benefits will be discussed. This event is organized by Initiative 20x20, an alliance of 18 countries launched at COP 20 that aims to protect and restore 50 million hectares of the region’s ecosystems. It will take place during the Global Landscapes Forum Climate.

Time: November 5, 11:00-12:30 GMT

Location: GLF - Senate Room University of Glasgow + Online

Organizer(s): WRI as Secretariat to Initiative 20x20


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI

WRI Contact: Walter Vergara


Resilient Water Accelerator and African Urban Water Resilience at the Water Action Event

Time: November 5, 11:30 – 14:30 GMT

Location: Water Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): WaterAid, High Level Champions, AGWA, CDP, IUCN, SIWI


  • Wanjira Mathai, Vice President and Regional Director for Africa, WRI

WRI Contact: Marcella Kim


The Triple Win Scenario: Catalyzing Action for Clean Air, Health and Climate

In-person-event, badge required

Join WHO Director Dr. Maria Neira, WRI CEO Ani Dasgupta and youth and civil society representatives for a conversation on the synergies between climate, public health and air quality action. During the discussion, the speakers will explore the need to engage allies beyond the traditional environmentally focused regulators and agencies to find enduring solutions to climate change that offer immediate public health and development benefits.

Time: November 5, 17:00 – 18:00 GMT

Location: COP26 Health Pavilion

Organizer(s): WRI, WHO


  • Ani DasguptaPresident & CEO, World Resources Institute
  • Dr. Maria NeiraDepartment of Public Health and Environment Director, World Health Organization
  • Rosamund Kissi-DebrahCo-Founder, Ella Roberta Family Foundation
  • Olumide IdowuNigerian Climate Change Champion
  • Disha Shetty (moderator), Independent Science Journalist

WRI Contact: Beth Elliott

Watch event recording



Saturday Nov 6


Union for Restoration: TNC, WRI Brasil, CI and WWF-Brasil together for the Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest

For further information, please visit: Agenda - Brazil Climate Hub

Time: November 6, 10:00 – 11:00 GMT

Location: Brazil Climate Action Hub

Organizer(s):  WRI Brasil, TNC, WWF, CI


  • Carolina Genin, Climate and Forests Director - WRI Brasil
  • Alexandre Prado , Green Economy Director - WWF Brasil
  • Leonardo Lacerda, Global Director of Climate Change at TNC
  • Maurício Bianco, Vice President of CI Brazil

WRI Contact: Mariana Oliveira


Linking Energy and Development: A User-Centric Approach

This event will focus on lessons and experiences that we have been gathering from the implementation of our Energy for Development work that WRI, together with its partners, have been implementing in East Africa and India.

Time: November 6, 12:30-13:15 GMT

Location: SDG7 Pavilion

Organizer(s):  WRI


  • TBD

WRI Contact: Benson Ireri


No 'Net Zero' Without Nature: How committed are countries to transform land and food systems (In-person event)

Current food and land use systems cause up to 30% of greenhouse gas emissions; the Paris Agreement, net-zero or net-negative targets cannot be met if we do not consider food and land use systems. This high-level panel, hosted by the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) will launch new analysis on updated and enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) from a land use and nature perspective. The event will amplify the voices of countries on how to move nature, food and land use to the core of the global climate agenda; to drive policy action toward “real” net zero in all countries; to share case studies; and to build momentum and empower local actors to leverage ambitious action and results. Taking place in the Nature pavilion on Nature Day, the event will also explore FOLU’s recently released ‘Why Nature’ report that makes the case for putting nature at the heart of national agendas and the importance of cross-sectoral and inclusive policy action.

Time: November 6, 13:00 – 14:30 GMT

Location: Nature Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): FOLU, UNSDSN, N4C


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI
  • Craig Hanson, Vice President for Food, Forest, Water & the Ocean, WRI
  • Marion Ferrat, Senior Policy Expert, FELD Action Tracker, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
  • Jeffery Sachs, UN Champion of SDGs
  • Jeffery Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University
  • Naoko Ishii, Director, Center for Global Commons, University of Tokyo and FOLU Ambassador
  • Nicolás Galarza, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Government of Colombia
  • Theo De Jager, President, World Farmers’ Organization (WFO)

WRI Contact: Katie McCoshan


Committing to Nature: Nature based-solutions for climate-positive cities

Hosted by Councillor Susan Aitken of Glasgow City Council, Cities4Forests, TreesAI, and CitiesWithNature will present the cases and commitments of Glasgow and many other cities as leaders in charge to incorporate nature-based solutions in their climate action plans to help cities achieve its environmental, social and economic goals. The event will engage mayors and other important political stakeholders in a conversation on nature-based solutions with a particular focus on the role of forests both near and far.

Time: November 6, 14:30 – 18:00 GMT

Location: Glasgow City Chambers

Organizer(s): Cities4Forests with partners


  • Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council
  • Audry Choi, Morgan Stanley
  • Brigitte Hoyer Gosselink,
  • Indy Johar, Dark Matter Laboratories
  • Max Hislop, Clyde Climate Forest

WRI Contact: James Anderson, John-Rob Pool


Resilience as the Middle Ground: Aligning NbS and Adaptation Communities

The session will explore ways that the nature-based solutions (NbS) and adaptation communities can collaborate to advance NbS for adaptation projects. Additionally, the finance community will be represented to provide insight on how we can fund a pipeline of NbS for adaptation programs. The event will consist of a keynote presentation highlighting the differences, as well as shared mutual goals, between the adaptation and NbS communities, case studies illustrating examples of well-designed projects where NbS and adaptation are mutually aligned, and an expert panel discussion between representatives from the NbS, adaptation, and the finance communities to identify mechanisms that can help mainstream, institutionalize, and fund a pipeline of NbS for adaptation programs.

Time: November 6, 15:00- 16:30 GMT

Location: Resilience Hub + Online

Organizer(s): WRI, AGWA


  • Craig Hanson, VP for Food, Forests, Water & the Ocean, WRI
  • Rebecca Carter (moderator), Deputy Director, Climate Resilience Practice. WRI
  • Sahil Kanekar, Senior Associate, WRI-India
  • John Matthews, Executive Director, AGWA
  • Dr. Candice Piercy, Engineering with Nature, US Army Corps of Engineers
  • Romain Maendly, Senior Water Resources Engineer, California Department of Water Resources
  • Astrid Michels, Programme Manager, GIZ

WRI Contact: Rebecca Carter


Climate Watch Presentation

Time: November 6, 15:30-16:30 GMT

Location: SDG7 Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): WRI


  • Johannes Friedrich, Senior Associate, WRI

WRI Contact: Leandro Vigna


Localising NDCs and Supporting City Action for a 1.5 Degree World and a Green and Just Recovery

This event — co-hosted by GIZ, C40 Cities and CUT/WRI — aims to explore how national and local governments can work together to realise the commitments made through NDCs. This event will also dive into how to localise and finance NDCs. It will bring together national governments, mayors, experts and leaders from the finance sector to explore the importance of national policies and targeted finance in delivering local climate action. The session will focus on how national governments can place cities and local governments at the heart of their plans to increase resilience, reduce emissions and generate green jobs, thus creating a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Time: November 6, 18:30 – 19:45 GMT

Location: Blue Zone + Online

Organizer(s): WRI/CUT, GIZ, C40 Cities


  • Ani DasguptaPresident & CEO, WRI
  • Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Member of the Management Board, GIZ, Germany
  • Andrea Meza, Minister of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica (TBC)
  • Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas, Mayor, City of Monterrey, Mexico
  • Gilles Kleitz, Director, Biodiversity, Water, Agriculture and Oceans, AFD, France

WRI Contact: Pandora Batra

Watch event recording



Monday Nov 8


Climate Adaptation Day Special Event: "Accelerating Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Investment in China" Report Launch

To better support China's climate adaptation work, WRI initiated a research project in November 2020 to analyze climate risks, estimate costs and benefits associated with climate-resilient infrastructure, and identify potential financing mechanisms. Participants will share key research findings and deepen discussions on how to accelerate climate-resilient infrastructure investment in China.

Time: November 8, 7:00 - 8:30 GMT

Location: Beijing + online

Organizer(s): WRI, NCSC, IIGF


  • Li Fang, Country Director, WRI China
  • Wee Kean Fong, Deputy Country Director, WRI China
  • Wenyi Xi, Research Analyst, Climate and Energy Program, WRI China
  • Helen Ding, Environmental Economist, WRI

WRI Contact: Jinghan Xu


Aligning Practice, Policy, and Priorities through an Urban Water Resilience Agenda

City leaders in Africa face the converging challenges of providing water and sanitation services for growing populations, managing watershed risks largely outside city jurisdictions, and designing for climate resilience. With the right vision and support, cities and city-regions have the potential to play a lead role in safeguarding their populations from water risks and securing access to well-managed water resources even as they face the challenge of rapid growth.

WRI, the African Center for Cities, ICLEI Africa, WaterAid, Resilient Cities Network, Arup and Reos Partners are organizing a series of consultations around developing an “Urban Water Resilience Agenda for Africa.” The aim of this effort is to catalyze a continent-wide movement to accelerate urban water resilience linked to key COP26 and COP27 campaigns and deliverables and to connect the dots across the many existing and emerging initiatives within a shared framework for ambitious, accountable and coordinated action to ensure impact at scale. At the event, partners will share their experiences and perspectives on building a joint Agenda, envision a future with water resilient African cities, and present a path forward to launching the Agenda at COP27. An updated zero draft of the Agenda will be shared post-COP.  We invite African partners and stakeholders to join in shaping, advancing, and launching this agenda.

Time: November 8, 08:00-09:30 GMT

Location: Online only

Organizer(s): WRI and partners


  • Rogier van den Berg, Acting Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Smita Rawoot, Urban Resilience Lead, World Resources Institute

WRI Contact: Marcella Kim


12th Sustainable Innovation Forum: Public Private Partnerships to Support the NDCs [Day 1]

Event hosted from Monday, November 8 – Wednesday, November 10

To create truly transformational change and accelerate the transition to a net zero global economy, greater cross-sector partnerships are required. How can we utilise public-private partnerships to help countries deliver on their NDCs?

More information and registration on the Sustainable Innovation Forum Website.

Session: Public Private Partnerships to Support the NDCs

Time: November 8, 9:05-9:45 GMT

Location: Cessnock Quay, Glasgow + Online

Organizer(s): Climate Action


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI

WRI Contact: Stacy Hong


Scaling Science-Based Targets for Private Equity Firms

The SBTi will be launching a tailored guidance for private equity firms to submit science-based targets. The webinar will host SBTi experts, partner organizations and a CEO panel discussing the significance of this work and how it can help streamline financial climate action.

Time: November 8, 13:00-14:00 GMT

Location: Online

Organizer(s): SBTi


  • Chendan Yan, SBTi
  • Nate Aden, SBTi
  • Quentin Van Doosselaere, Bregal Investments
  • Benoit Durteste, ICG
  • Frode Strand-Nielsen, FSN
  • Andrea Bonomi, Investindustrial
  • Nathan Fabian, PRI
  • Myles Tatlock, Anthesis

WRI Contact: Chendan Yan


Infrastructure for Climate Resilience

Nisha will be presenting the work of the Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment on this CIF-ADB-WB hosted panel that aims to address the question of what it takes to shift the focus of infrastructure investment with resilience as the primary goal. This is to be achieved through unpacking some of the key elements for scaling up investment in infrastructure designed to build climate resilience: policy and planning processes, finance, and knowledge support.

Time: November 8, 13:00 - 14:30 GMT

Location: Online

Organizer(s)Climate Investment Funds, World Bank, and Asian Development Bank


  • Nisha Krishnan, Senior Finance Action Track Associate, Global Commission on Adaptation, WRI

WRI Contact: Nisha Krishan


OS-Climate @ COP26 2021

This event will demonstrate the power of community-based open collaboration on open data and open source analytic tools to accelerate the transition to Net Zero, framed with keynotes by PRI CEO Fiona Reynolds, GFANZ Portfolio Alignment Chair David Blood, former Federal Reserve Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin, BNY Mellon International Chair Hani Kablawi, Airbus EVP Catherine Jestin, OS-Climate CEO Truman Semans; and panelists from OS-Climate members Allianz, Amazon, BNP Paribas, Federated Hermes, Goldman Sachs, KPMG, London Stock Exchange Group, Microsoft, the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, Ortec Finance, Red Hat (an IBM company), and S&P Global. Important contributors of data and code Jupiter Intelligence, Urgentem, and World Resources Institute will discuss the value for partners of leveraging the OS-Climate Platform.

Time: November 8, 13:00- 17:00 GMT

Location: Skypark 7, Glasgow + Online

Organizer(s): OS-Climate


  • Tianyi Luo, Director, Aqueduct, Global Water Program, WRI

WRI Contact: Marlena Chertock


Removing and Storing Carbon: Responsible Forest Management as a Tool to Limit Climate Change to 1.5°C

To support robust climate action aimed at halving emissions by 2030 and achieving net-zero latest 2050, this session seeks to stimulate debate about the role of forests, and how companies can find the potentials within or connected to their value chain to remove and store carbon through responsible forest management.

In a live panel, WWF will share best practices to enhance biodiversity and protect people who depend on forests. FSC will share insights on its role to promote and uphold the highest standards of sustainable forest management. World Resources Institute (WRI) will share progress on new accounting guidance in the the GHG Protocol standard for removing and storing carbon through forestry and agriculture. Speakers will also touch on new guidance from the Science-Based Targets Initiative on setting science-based targets for forest, land and agriculture sectors, called the FLAG standard.

Time: November 8, 15:00-16:00 GMT

Location: Online

Organizers: IKEA, via ICC


  • Pankaj Bhatia, Director GHG Protocol at World Resources Institute
  • Andreas Ahrens, Head of Climate Inter IKEA Group
  • Ulf Johansson, Head of Global Wood Supply & Forestry, Inter IKEA Group
  • Martha Stevenson, Senior Director, Strategy & Research, Forests, WWF
  • Pina Gervassi, Climate Director, Forest Stewardship Council

WRI contact: Stacy Hong


Announcing winners and progress of the Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation

Helen will be representing CRP/ WRI at this awards ceremony. CRP & Willis Towers Watson is one of 10 finalists chosen by the GEF – this $1.3m award will help scale up systemic resilience assessments in 3 countries (tbc), expand our development of systemic resilience metrics, and help structure an investment vehicle for resilient infrastructure.

Time: November 8,  15:15 – 16:45 GMT

Location: GEF/GCF Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): Global Environment Facility


  • Helen Mountford, Vice President, Climate & Economics, WRI

WRI Contact: Nisha Krishnan


Energy Transformation in Turkey and the East Mediterranean

(In person, badge required)

One-hour panel discussion on energy transition in Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean. Jennifer Layke to present on the state of energy efficiency and demand side management in Turkey, including the role of cities and buildings, as well as future plans for the region.

Time: November 8, 15:30-16:30 GMT

Location: Turkey Pavilion, Blue Zone

Organizer(s): Chatham House


  • Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy Program, WRI

WRI Contact: Kayla Rakes


Net Zero Partnerships to Catalyze Investment in Developing Countries

Join us on November 8 for a high-level event on innovative partnership business and finance models that can translate developing countries’ climate priorities into action. You’ll hear from Climate and Sustainable Development Ambassadors, Heads of Country Delegations and Civil Society Leaders on how public-private partnerships can progress national and global climate agendas. Participants will share examples of specific scalable solutions and the role of platforms like P4G as a delivery mechanism to drive impact in developing countries.

This winner of P4G’s State-of-the-Art Partnership of the Year Award will be announced at this event to demonstrate an example of exemplary partnership solutions that can catalyze private sector investment to reach net zero.

This event is co-hosted by the Republic of Korea and Denmark and is an official side event of the Republic of Korea Pavilion at COP26.

Time: November 8, 16:00-17:30 GMT

Location: Republic of Korea Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): P4G, Korean Government, Danish Government


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI
  • Ian de Cruz, P4G Global Director, WRI
  • Other Speakers TBD

WRI Contact: Raquel Szomstein


Getting money where it matters – new initiatives for scaling-up locally led adaptation

On November 8, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) hosted an event at COP26 titled “Getting money where it matters – new initiatives for scaling-up locally led adaptation.” This session announced new actions from national governments and development partners to scale up locally led adaptation globally in accordance with the Principles for Locally Led Adaptation.

The event resulted in significant new endorsements for the locally led adaptation (LLA) principles from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), US Agency for International Development (USAID)Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. With this newly announced support, the LLA principles now have over 70 endorsements.

During the event, the Treasury of Kenya, the World Bank, and the Governments of Denmark and Sweden announced the launch of its new Financing Locally Led Climate Action program in Kenya. The Asian Development Bank announced financial support from the United Kingdom and Nordic Development Fund on its Community Resilience Partnership Program during the session as well.

Time: November 8, 16:00-17:30GMT

Location: Resilience Hub

Organizer(s): WRI with partners


  • Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio, Senior Adaptation and Resilience Advisor, WRI
  • Clare Shakya, Director, Climate Change, International Institute for Environment and Development

WRI Contact: Tamara Coger

Watch event recording


The Brazilian tools for planning and monitoring NDCs

WRI Brasil, SEEG, Mapbiomas and IEMA will discuss the tools that already exist for planning and monitoring the implementation of the Brazilian NDC, such as SEEG and EPS Brasil. EPS Brasil is a tool that assesses the potential impact of different policies on greenhouse gas emissions. See here for more information.

Time (GMT):  November 8, 17:15 –18:15 GMT 

Location: Brazil Climate Action Hub 

Organizer(s):  WRI Brazil


  • Carolina Genin, Climate Director, WRI Brasil
  • David Tsai - IEMA
  • Natalie Unterstell - Talanoa Institute
  • Tasso Azevedo -MAPBIOMAS
  • Marcio Rojas - MCTI

WRI Contact: Caroline Rocha



Tuesday Nov 9


Future Cities Adapted to Climate Change under the Carbon Strategy Seminar

The built environment plays a crucial role in minimizing emissions and making our cities adaptable to the impacts of climate change that we are already experiencing. As responsible practitioners and inhabitants, we should and will lead the way. Building up to COP26, Arup, appointed by UK Government as sustainability consultant for COP26, will collaborate with organizations that share the same vision to host a series of events across East Asia region. The session in Beijing is designed to gain insights from leading experts on best practices, policies and trends across Asia.

Time: November 9, 06:00 – 07:30 GMT

Location: The British Embassy Residence in Beijing

Organizer(s): WRI, Arup, Urban Land Institute (ULI)


  • Daizong Liu, Ross Center for Sustainable Cities & Communications Director, WRI China

WRI Contact: Shiyong Qiu, Jinghan Xu


ACT2025: How the COP26 package can drive ambition and resilience with solidarity and justice

The failure of advanced economies and major emitters to fully deliver on their financial commitments and emission reduction targets has eroded trust and solidarity among developed and developing nations. Success at the COP26 climate summit and beyond hinges on restoring this trust and uniting the world.

Join the Alliance for Climate Transformation 2025 (ACT2025) consortium live from COP26 where representatives from vulnerable countries discuss what the COP26 package must include to drive ambition and resilience with solidarity and justice.

Time: November 9, 11:30-12:45 GMT

Location: Online 

Organizer(s): WRI as secretariat for ACT2025


  • Moderator: Wanjira MathaiVice President and Regional Director for Africa, World Resources Institute
  • Yared Abere DemeGlobal Youth Climate Leader, Ethiopia
  • Ambassador Spencer ThomasSpecial Envoy for Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Grenada
  • Tina StegeClimate Envoy, Republic of the Marshall Islands
  • Yamide DagnetDirector, Climate Negotiations, World Resources Institute

WRI Contact: Deirdre Cogan 

Watch event recording


Mobilizing Finance to Reach Net-Zero in Developing Countries

Developed countries need to deliver a clear roadmap for meeting their over-due commitment to mobilize $100 billion a year in climate finance for developing countries. But what are some solutions that can be scaled because of this finance? And how can the private sector be mobilized to do more?

Join us on November 9 for a discussion of tangible solutions in developing countries that can mobilize private sector investment to reach net zero goals. You’ll hear from global leaders, CEOs and entrepreneurs on solutions that ready for investment and scaling, and actionable steps forward for turning plans and commitments into action.

This is an official side event of the We Mean Business Coalition Pavilion at COP26.

Time: November 9, 13:00-14:00 GMT

Location: We Mean Business Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): P4G. We Mean Business Coalition


  • Ian de Cruz, P4G Global Director, WRI
  • Peter Kapala, Minister of Energy, Zambia
  • Torben Huss, CEO, IFU
  • Shinta Kamdani, CEO Sintesa Group and Co-chair UN GISD Alliance
  • Lisa Ashford, CEO & Director, Ethex and Energise Africa
  • Katherine Stodulka, Director, Blended Finance Taskforce, SYSTEMIQ

WRI Contact: Raquel Szomstein


Live from Glasgow: The Business Case for Climate Engagement

Join the International Climate Engagement Network and special guests for this interactive online workshop. Broadcast live from Glasgow during COP26, the workshop will connect with participants around the world to explore how engaging the voices of citizens, residents, and under-represented communities can lead to better policy-making, while also increasing the democratic legitimacy of difficult decisions and mobilizing collective action.

Time: November 9, 13:30- 15:00 GMT

Location: Online

Organizers: International Climate Engagement Network


  • Carole Excell, Director, Environmental Democracy Practice, WRI

WRI Contact: Carole Excell


COP26: Roadmap to Rapidly Scaling Solar Investment

This event will consist of a series of interactive high-level panel discussions among 1) Government ministries and 2) financing experts, focusing on how solar investment can be scaled to mitigate climate change and advance universal energy access and energy security. The panelists will discuss the role of governments and organizations like the International Solar Alliance to engage public and private finance sources to catalyze a massive scale-up of solar investment.

Time: November 9, 16:30-18:00 GMT

Location: Commonwealth Pavilion

Organizer(s):  WRI and ISA


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI 

  • Ajay Mathur, Director General, International Solar Alliance 

  • Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy, WRI 

  • René van Hell, Director for Inclusive Green Growth, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Netherlands 

  • Barbara Buchner, Senior Director, Climate Policy Initiative 

  • Amal Lee Amin, Director Climate Strategy at CDC Group plc and Senior Advisor COP26 Unit, Cabinet Office 

  • Hon. Patricia Scotland, Secretary-General of The Commonwealth  

WRI Contact:  Laura Van Wie McGrory

Watch event recording


UrbanShift: Transforming Cities for People & Planet through Multi-Level Governance

Time: November 9, 18:30-19:45 GMT

Location: Online

Organizer(s): UrbanShift; Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)


  • Rogier van den Berg, Acting Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Martina Otto, Head, Cities Unit, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Marcelo Morales, Secretary for Research and Scientific Formation, Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI)
  • Faustin Munyazikwiye, Deputy Director General of the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
  • Matthew Brian Reddy, Senior Private Sector Specialist, Global Environment Facility (GEF) Secretariat
  • João Campos, Mayor of Recife, Brazil
  • Ladislas Ngendahimana, Secretary General, Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA)
  • Aaditya Thackeray, Environment Minister, Maharashtra, India
  • José Sarney Filho, Environment Secretary, Federal District Government, Brazil
  • Marco Lobo, Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos (CGEE)

WRI Contact: Mariana Orloff

Watch event recording



Wednesday Nov 10


Linking Air Quality Management to Climate Change Mitigation [Day 1]

Hosted by the World Bank Group, the objective of this two-day meeting is to put forward a call for action by COP26 to catalyze clean air efforts around the world to simultaneously achieve climate, health and other sustainable development goals. Panel discussions will highlight the work of OECD, Environmental Defense Fund, WRI, Clean Air Fund, Clean Air Catalyst, UN Environment Programme, WHO and other institutions.

Time: November 10 and 11, 12:30 – 16:00GMT, both days.

Location: Online Organizer(s):World Bank Group


  • Stientje van Veldhoven, Vice President and Regional Director for Europe, WRI
  • Michael Doust, Director, Urban Efficiency & Climate, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Jessica Seddon, Global Lead, Air Quality, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

WRI Contact: Jessica Seddon


Net-Zero Foundations for Financial Institutions: Draft for Public Consultation

The SBTi will holding an event to kickoff our efforts to further develop net-zero guidance for financial institutions, a much needed action to enable financial institutions to follow through on their net-zero commitments. This foundational framework represents the first step in defining net-zero for financial institutions. The November 10 webinar will commence a 5-week stakeholder consultation process. Stakeholder feedback will inform the revision and final publication of the net-zero for financial institutions foundations paper in the beginning of 2022.

Time: November 10, 13:00 GMT

Location: Online

Organizer(s): SBTi


  • Nate Aden, SBTi
  • Ronan Hodge, GFANZ
  • Eric Usher, UNEP-FI
  • Marilyn Waite, European Climate Foundation

WRI Contact: Nate Aden


The Transition to Greater Transport Resilience and COVID-19 Recovery

In-person, badge required

Under the leadership of the High-Level Climate Champions, the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) supports the implementation of the Paris Agreement by enabling collaboration between governments and the cities, regions, businesses and investors that must act on climate change. This session regards the transport thematic event in the framework of MPGCA at COP26 and will cover transport sector resilience and green recovery.

Serving as Co-Focal Point of the Transport Thematic Group jointly with the International Transport Forum, SLOCAT continued to establish the transport community as an essential and reliable partner in the MPGCA. SLOCAT’s mandate was renewed by appointment by transport sector peers in 2020.

Time: November 10, 14:20 GMT

Location: Blue Zone

Organizer(s): SLOCAT, Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action


  • Stientje van Veldhoven, Vice President and Regional Director for Europe, WRI

WRI Contact: Benjamin Welle


Financing innovative nature-based solutions in cities: Lessons learned for the next generation of urban NBS projects

The event will focus on how to leverage mechanisms such as the Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF), to support projects that use NBS for climate adaptation and/or biodiversity benefits, that generate revenues or demonstrate cost savings. And how to catalyze political, social and economic support among city governments and urban residents to integrate inner, nearby, and faraway forests into city development plans, programs, and investments.

Time: November 10, 15:00 GMT

Location: Online

Organizer(s): WRI with partners


  • Todd Gartner, Director, Cities4Forests and Natural Infrastructure, WRI
  • Stefanie Lindenberg, Coordinator, Natural Capital Finance Facility, European Investment Bank (Moderator)
  • Julie Delcroix Coudun, Policy Officer, Biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions, DG RTD, European Commission
  • Elissavet Bargianni, Landscape architect, Department of Resilience and Sustainability, City of Athens
  • Doris Schnepf, Managing Director of the Green4Cities: Green Deal Neighbourhood Vienna NCFF project
  • Holger Robrecht, Deputy Regional Director, Sustainable Resources, Climate & Resilience
  • ICLEI European Secretariat
  • Guy Hudson, Senior Advisor, Innovation Finance Advisory, European Investment Bank
  • Representative of the GINKGO Fund

WRI Contact: Todd Gartner


Transport Day: Driving the global transition to zero-emission transport

(In person event, badge required)

Time: November 10, 15:30-17:30 GMT

Location: Columbia Pavilion

Organizer(s): National Government of Columbia


  • Adriana Lobo, CEO, WRI México

WRI Contact: Angelica Vesga


Climate-Smart Mobility: Where to Invest?

An event capping off a series of webinars on Transport Decarbonization Investments in key areas, including walking/cycling, public transport/demand management, electrification, freight, and the used vehicle trade. The series of events have engaged several high level leaders on these topics and the summary event aims to bring together the key partners, World Bank, Government of the Netherlands, and WRI, key messages around COP26 and beyond.

Time: November 10, 16:30 GMT

Location: MDB Pavilion, Blue Zone

Organizer(s): WRI with Partners


  • Stientje van Veldhoven, Vice President and Regional Director for Europe, World Resources Institute

WRI Contact: Benjamin Welle

Watch event recording


Accelerating Electrification of High-Mileage, Ridehail Vehicles

Focusing policy and investment on high-mileage ridehail vehicles can amplify the impact of electrification and ameliorate inequitable access to electric vehicles. World Resources Institute will host a hybrid virtual/in-person panel at the COP26 Business Pavilion on Wednesday, November 10, bringing together Uber with a panel of private- and public-sector stakeholders. The discussion will highlight opportunities for private-sector innovation and public policy to accelerate decarbonization and increase access to electrified transportation by focusing on policies to electrify ridehailing. WRI will introduce research examining opportunities and challenges on the road to 100% EV use by ridehail drivers.

Time: November 10, 16:00- 17:00 GMT

Location: Blue Zone, We Mean Business, Business Pavilion, Board Room + Online

Organizer(s): WRI


  • Adam GromisGlobal Lead on Sustainability Policy, Uber
  • Dr. Shelley FrancisCo-Founder and Managing Partner, EVNoire
  • Lauren Faber O’ConnorChief Sustainability Officer, Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
  • Mariola Panzuela MalgosaZero Emission Vehicles Programme Manager, C40 Cities
  • Leah LazerResearch Associate, World Resources Institute
  • Dan LashofDirector, United States, World Resources Institute (Panel Moderator)

WRI Contact: Matthew Cronin, Matt Herbert


12th Sustainable Innovation Forum [Day 3]

Event hosted from Monday, November 8 – Wednesday, November 10

More information and registration on the Sustainable Innovation Forum Website.

Session: Climate Action Must Overtake Commitments: How do we hold governments and business to account?

Time: November 10, 17:15 GMT

Location: Cessnock Quay, Glasgow + Online

Organizer(s): Climate Action


  • Helen Mountford, Vice President, Climate & Economics, WRI

WRI Contact: Stacy Hong



Thursday Nov 11


How do we kick-start the renovation revolution?

We can’t tackle climate change without tackling buildings. About one-fifth of carbon emissions in the U.S. and U.K. come directly from households, with drafty windows, tired boilers, and poorly insulated walls leaking energy and making it more tempting for residents to turn up the thermostat to keep warm. A large-scale campaign of retrofitting is necessary to bring them up to standard, but the work remains expensive and hasn't yet taken off. Who is going to pay for it? Homeowners or governments? What will it take to update housing for the age of the climate emergency?

Time: November 11, 08:30 - 09:30 GMT

Location: The New York Times Climate Hub (The Nature Bar within the Warehouse building) + Online

Organizer(s): Tortoise Media in partnership with The New York Times


  • Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy Program, WRI
  • Jens Birgersson, President and C.E.O., ROCKWOOL Group
  • Tracie Pearce, Chief Customer Officer, Homes, Santander

WRI Contact: Emily Kaldjian


Better management of export of used cars, fuel standards and motorization

This event will discuss the triple benefits of pollution, climate and safety when addressing the export of used cars. The session will communicate solutions to preventing and improving the export of dirty and unsafe vehicles, particularly from geographies like Europe, the United States, and Japan to African countries where most vehicles are used imports. This event is hosted by UNEP and the Government of the Netherlands.


  • Stientje van Veldhoven, Vice President and Regional Director for Europe, World Resources Institute

Time: November 11, 09:30 - 10:45 GMT
Location: Benelux/EIB Pavilion + Online
Organizer(s): UNEP, Government of the Netherlands

WRI Contact: Benjamin Welle


How Open Government principles can help deliver Climate Action

(In person, badge required)

This workshop will recognise the important and necessary contributions the public make to delivering Climate Action; will outline ambitions to meaningfully, transparency and accountability involve people; will share learning through good practice examples; will identify practical steps to involve people in delivering Climate Action, including how Open Government can help.

Time: November 11, 10:00 – 11:00 GMT

Location: Nordic Pavillion, SEC Centre, Hall 4

Organizer(s): Scottish Government, Lithuanian Government, open Government Partnership


  • Chair: Yamide Dagnet, Director, Climate Negotiations, WRI
  • Patrick Harvie, Scottish Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights
  • Krista Mikkonen, Finnish Minster of the Environment and Climate Change
  • Simonas Gentvilas, Lithuanian Minister of Environment
  • Patricia Fuller, Climate Change Ambassador, Canada

WRI Contact: Jesse Worker


Be Bold: Accelerate the Transition to Zero Carbon Buildings

Over one third of the world’s carbon emissions are generated by the buildings sector. As such, the buildings and construction sector must urgently be decarbonized to meet Paris Agreement goals. The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction and World Resources Institute hosted a joint event to announce the Buildings as a Critical Climate Solution commitment and showcase countries developing roadmaps to implement these ambitious goals. Ministers and mayors from Colombia and Turkey, the first countries to join the Zero Carbon Building Accelerator, a WRI initiative aligning national roadmaps and local action plans, highlighted opportunities and challenges, and officials from Chile and Jordan discussed their frameworks and approaches to reducing emissions from the built environment as a part of GlobalABC’s Roadmaps for Buildings and Construction.

Time: November 11, 10:45-11:30 GMT

Location: SDG7 Pavilion

Organizer(s): WRI, SEforAll, GEF


  • Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy, WRI
  • Martina Otto, Head of GlobalABC Secretariat, UNEP, GlobalABC
  • Juan Nicolás Galarza Sánchez, Deputy Minister of Environmental Planning, Colombia
  • Roy Alejandro Barreras Cortés, Director of City Planning, Cali, Colombia
  • Maria Carolina Urmeneta Labarca, Ministry of Environment, Chile
  • Carolina Duarte, International Affairs and Liaison Officer of the Ministry of Sustainable Development of the State of Yucatán, Mexico
  • Rasmi Hamzeh, Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (JREEEF)

WRI Contact: Kayla Rakes

Watch event recording


COP26 Reception | The Vital Role of Cities and Nature-based Solutions

In-person, badge required

This intimate session will connect practitioners demonstrating the relevance of city commitments in addressing climate resilience and vulnerabilities; discuss the value of financing nature-based solutions to adaptation as well as mitigation; and explore the wins and good practices in bringing nature and nature-based solutions to cities to date.

Time: November 11, 11am-12pm GMT

Location: The Clydeside Distillery, Blue Zone

Organizer(s): UK Government, C40, Cities4Forests, Conservation International


  • Leo Horn-Phathanothai, Director, Strategy and Partnerships, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

WRI Contact: James Anderson


Advancing Equity in Cities—The Bedrock for Transformative Climate Action

(In-person, badge required)

WRI is organizing an event hosted by the Global Environment Facility at its COP26 Pavilion. Heads of organizations, including from WRI, The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (UK FCDO), Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI), and global mayors and ministers, as well as key urban stakeholders, including from EC, IIED, JPI EU, C40, Oxford University, and PEAK Urban will gather for a two-part event. The first portion will feature a Leadership Moment for Action focused on Urban Equity and Climate, followed by an Urban Stakeholders' Dialogue on Scaling Equitable Climate Solutions. This event will build on the World Resources Report: Towards a More Equal City synthesis and series, and it aims to galvanize broad-based support for a forward-looking agenda to shape more equal cities via inclusive climate action and COVID recovery.

Time: November 11, 11:00 – 12:30 GMT

Location: GEF Pavilion

Organizer(s): WRI with partners


  • Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, WRI
  • Wanjira Mathai, Vice President and Regional Director for Africa, WRI
  • Leo Horn-Phathanothai, Head, WRI UK Office, and Director, Strategy and Partnerships, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Gustavo Alberto Fonseca, Director of Programs, GEF
  • Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, CEO, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
  • Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director-General Mobility and Cities, European Commission
  • David Dodman, Director, Human Settlements, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
  • Vijay Rangarajan, Director General, Americas and Overseas Territories at the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office
  • Lochan Sehra, Secretary to Government, Urban Development and Urban Housing Department for State of Gujarat, India
  • Sarah Colenbrander, Director of Climate and Sustainability Programme, ODI
  • Felipe Ramírez, General Manager, TRANSMILENIO, City of Bogotá, Colombia
  • Michael Keith, Professor at COMPAS, University of Oxford, and Director of the PEAK Urban Research Programme

WRI Contact: Anjali Mahendra, Shagun Mehrotra

Watch the recording


Race to Resilience Transformations: 1000CAN Announcement

(In-person, badge required)

This space will be provided for R2R Partners working on Transformations to share their vision for the future and the impact they aim to create through the implementation of the solution.

Each Transformation will receive 5 to 10 mins to make their presentation in person or share a pre-recorded video. Guiding questions for this will include but are not limited to:

  • A short description of the Transformation
  • The impact it will create/the quantitative or qualitative target they have set OR What is their vision for 2030
  • What would the world look like with their Transformation implemented and scaled?

The session will have a moderator who will weave a story to bring on each Transformation to speak. Our partners range include grassroot organizations, the private sector and knowledge sharing organizations. Their work is creating stories of resilience across the world and are prime examples of how systems can be changed or influenced by addressing operational challenges.

Time: November 11, 11:15-12:30 GMT

Location: Blue Zone

Organizers(s): TBD


  • Rogier van den Berg, Acting Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

WRI Contact: Marcella Kim


Building new coalitions to win the race to zero emissions by 2050!

Time: November 11, 12:00 - 13:00 GMT

Location: Green Zone Cinema Auditorium

Organizer(s): WRI with partners


  • Rogier van den Berg, Acting Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Adriana Lobo, CEO, WRI México
  • Dirk Wilutzky (Film Producer)
  • Dr. Simone Sandholz, Senior Urban Expert, UNU-EHS
  • Pablo Lazlo, Director of Urban Development and Accessibility WRI Mexico

WRI Contact: Tini Tran

Watch event recording


Linking Air Quality Management to Climate Change Mitigation [Day 2]

Hosted by the World Bank Group, the objective of this two-day meeting is to put forward a call for action by COP26 to catalyze clean air efforts around the world to simultaneously achieve climate, health and other sustainable development goals. Panel discussions will highlight the work of OECD, Environmental Defense Fund, WRI, Clean Air Fund, Clean Air Catalyst, UN Environment Programme, WHO and other institutions.

Time: November 10 and 11, 12:30 – 16:00GMT, both days.

Location: Online Organizer(s): World Bank Group


  • Stientje van Veldhoven, Vice President and Regional Director for Europe, WRI
  • Michael Doust, Director, Urban Efficiency & Climate, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Jessica Seddon, Global Lead, Air Quality, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

WRI Contact: Jessica Seddon


Climate and Transport: What’s Needed for Sustainable Mobility and How to Get There

A panel discussion co-hosted by the Benelux Pavilion and the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. The session will focus on the role that sustainable transport modes, such as walking, cycling and public transit should have in addressing Climate change and achieving a Green Recovery in the aftermath of COVID-19. A high level panel of Ministers of Transportation and leaders from multilateral institutions will discuss, from their experiences in the developed and developing world, the need for decarbonizing investment and the importance of shifting away from building private-vehicle-reliant systems.

Time: November 11, 12:30-14:45 GMT

Location: Benelux/EIB Pavilion + Online

Organizer(s): WRI with partners


  • Stientje van VeldhovenVice President and Regional Director for Europe, World Resources Institute
  • François BauschDeputy Prime Minister, Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Luxembourg
  • Dagmawit MogesMinister of Transport, Ethiopia
  • Riccardo PulitiVice President for Infrastructure, World Bank Group
  • Kris PeetersVice-President, European Investment Bank

WRI Contact: Wesley Uhl


Adaptation and Resilience in Urban Water: Convergence of Water and Sanitation

With increasing vulnerability to climate change, acceleration of adaptation and resilience building in water and sanitation will be crucial to cities thriving in the future. Join us for a high-level roundtable with representatives from government, financing and non-government institutions on the enablers and barriers they face, and the potentials and opportunities that climate resilient sanitation presents to accelerate climate action in cities. Featuring Ingrid Hoven and Birgit Pickel.

Time: November 11, 12:45 – 13:45 GMT

Location: Blue Zone

Organizer(s): WRI with partners


  • Leo Horn-Phathanothai, Director, Strategy and Partnerships, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities; Head, WRI UK Office
  • Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, GIZ's Managing Director
  • Birgit Pickel, Director for Global Health, Pandemic Prevention, One Health at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

WRI Contact: Marcella Kim


Operationalizing Paris Alignment: Public Development Banks

(Invitation Only)

This event will be about operationalizing the Paris Alignment commitments of Public Development Banks. The research consortium (New Climate Institute, Germanwatch and WRI) will present the framework for alignment of financial intermediaries, as per the working paper:

Time (GMT): November 11, 15:30 – 17:00 GMT (TBC)

Location: IDFC Pavilion

Organizer(s): WRI, IDFC/AFD, I4CE, NewClimate Institute, Germanwatch


  • Aki Kaichi, New Climate Institute

WRI Contact: Valerie Laxton, Carolyn Neunuebel


Joint Water Pavilion & Resilience Hub Event: Accelerating Action in Water Resilience in Cities and the Built Environment

This joint session between the Resilience Hub and Water Pavilion will begin with dialogues between cities sharing the foundational elements and opportunities for resilience. In the second part of the session, join us for a roundtable with financial institutions, non-government organisations and practitioners on 'what should be our shared future objectives for water resilience' and hear about the exciting developments aiming to accelerate action in water resilience.

Time: November 11, 17:10-18:45 GMT

Location: Blue Zone

Organizer(s): Resilience Hub and Water Pavilion


  • Rogier van den Berg, Acting Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

WRI Contact: Marcella Kim


Community Voices Equitably Shape Urban Infrastructure Resilience

This WRI-cohosted event will offer insights on how advancing urban equity is the bedrock for transformative climate action. Speakers will share international examples of people-centered design and adaptation to enhance resilience and offer support and solutions to both policymakers and private sector investors. The event will take place as part of the Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day with the Infrastructure Theme of the Resilience Hub.

Time: November 11, 19:15-20:45 GMT

Location: Blue Zone, Resilience Hub

Organizer(s): WRI, PEAK Urban/Oxford Martin Programme on Informal Cities/University of Oxford, Climate Chance Association, Google


  • Robin King, Director of Knowledge Capture & Collaboration, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Francisco Obando, Policy Manager, PEAK Urban, University of Oxford
  • Fernando Escobar, Mayor of Itagüí, Colombia
  • Susan Parnell, Deputy Principal Investigator, PEAK Urban and Professor, University of Bristol
  • Nithya Sowrirajan, Director of Global Solutions, Google Earth and Earth Engine
  • Juan Carlos Duque, Professor, EAFIT University and Lead Researcher, PEAK Urban
  • Michael Keith, Professor, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) and Director of Peak Urban, University of Oxford
  • Shuaib Lwasa, Researcher, Global Centre on Adaptation
  • Charlène Kouassi, Director Observatoire des Mobilités Africaines (Movin'On LAB Africa)
  • Nidia Ruda, Representative of DiMu Women’s Group in Itagui, Colombia
  • Juan Pablo Orjuela, Senior Research Associate and Executive Education Programme Director, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford

WRI Contact: Anjali Mahendra, Shagun Mehrotra


Understanding Systems and Tools are Key to Building More Resilient and Inclusive Cities

This WRI-cohosted event will showcase the PEAK Urban framework for catalyzing productive urban change and highlights of WRI’s flagship World Resources Report, Towards a More Equal City that offers seven crucial transformations for equity and sustainability. It will highlight the value of funding both cities-focused research and knowledge exchange activity in LMICs. The event will take place part of the Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day.

Time: November 11, 22:30-23:30 GMT

Location: Online

Organizer(s): WRI, PEAK Urban/Oxford Martin Informal Cities/University of Oxford, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)/Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)


  • Anjali Mahendra, Director of Global Research, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
  • Francisco Obando, Policy Manager, PEAK Urban, University of Oxford
  • Jaideep Gupte, Cities and Sustainable Infrastructure Portfolio of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), UKRI
  • Michael Keith, Professor, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) and Director of Peak Urban, University of Oxford
  • Susan Parnell, Deputy Principal Investigator, PEAK Urban and Professor, University of Bristol
  • Tim Schwanen, Director of Transport Studies Unit, Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Transport Geography, University of Oxford

WRI Contact: Anjali Mahendra, Shagun Mehrotra



Friday Nov 12

ACE and the Clean Energy Transition

WFD would like to convene a panel in collaboration with the WRI, International IDEA, Climate Action Network (CAN), E3G and the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee (BEIS) of the UK House of Commons to:

  • Provide views on how to ensure that climate empowerment is placed at the heart of national action plans on climate as a delivery mechanism of the Paris Agreement and its 'ratchet mechanism’.
  • Highlight the role of Parliaments to serve as major hubs for innovative action for clean energy climate empowerment and demonstrate the example of the UK Climate Assembly in generating and integrating citizens’ views into policymaking as regards societal preferences for a zero-carbon energy mix.
  • Showcase examples of environmental democracy worldwide driving climate action including the transition to clean energy. (MPs from Costa Rica, Georgia, Pakistan).

Time: November 12, 10:00-11:00 GMT

Location: Tower Base South, Green Zone

Organizer(s):  WRI, WFD, CAN, E3G, BEIS, IDEA


  • Jesse Worker, Senior Associate, Climate Governance and Rights, WRI

WRI Contact:   Jesse Worker